Why You Should Attend
Transportation Professional
Building effective transportation options continues to be a strong focus of the New Partners for Smart Growth Conferences. Whether it is planning your next transportation system, adding active transportation elements to your current system, or trying to squeeze more performance from your existing network, this conference helps you put together the pieces you need for performance. Even with the uncertain reauthorization of federal transit funding, cities, regions and states are pushing full bore on multi-modal systems. Part of this stems from the realization that transit-rich, walkable and bikable communities attract investment and revenue, as well as provide a high quality of life for residents and workers. Plus, there is greater awareness in the transportation world that development and transportation are not separated entities, but in fact complement each other. Our transportation partners are developing informative sessions on the latest trends, including:
- Updates on smart growth funding
- Trends in state transportation policy
- Updates on the transportation debate in Congress
- Growing wealthier: achieving the prosperity benefits of transit and smart growth
- Linking jobs, housing and transit for economic development
- Cutting-edge transportation analysis tools and programs
- Smart growth performance measurement
- Understanding the link between public health, transportation and land use
- Addressing equity and environmental justice issues in transportation decisions
- Understanding American’s preferences for smart growth
- How to implement successful biking and walking options as part of the overall transportation system
- How to plan for successful transportation systems in rural and low density regions
- Successfully working with neighborhood residents, community groups, advocacy organizations, local jurisdictions and other non-traditional partners
- Ways to encourage Transit Oriented Development and Development Oriented Transit
- Health, justice and equity in highway, freight and infrastructure development
- Advancing equity through transit corridor planning
- Putting parking in its place for smart growth
- Getting ready for a maturing America
- Successful complete streets implementation
- Local Elected Official or Local Government Official
- Planning Professional
- Architect
- Transportation Professional
- Environmental Advocate
- Landscape Architect
- Land Conservation Professional
- Environmental Justice Advocate
- Equitable Development Advocate
- Public Health Professional
- Community Developer/Activist
- Real Estate Professional
- Developer/Builder
- Banker/Lender
- Labor Representative
- Advocate for Older Adults or Youth
- Journalist
- Non-Profit Organization