Why You Should Attend


Tired of covering the struggling economy? The 11th Annual New Partners for Smart Growth Conference is organized around the concepts and ideas that push the conversations forward on development, the future, and the American Dream. Come cover stories on:

  • The economic, environmental, and social benefits of smart growth and good urbanism
  • Growing wealthier: the prosperity benefits of transit and smart growth
  • Inspiring case studies, tools and resources from local and regional governments that have successfully revitalized and strengthened their community, even in a downtrodden economy
  • How communities are leading the nation toward a more energy efficient future
  • The importance of equity and environmental justice
  • In depth information and data on American’s preferences for smart growth
  • How communities are comprehensively planning for natural disasters and climate change and promoting community resilience
  • The newest smart growth trends on subjects such as transit-oriented development, development oriented transit, parking, mixed-use development, complete streets, historic redevelopment, and restoring prosperity in America’s legacy cities
  • American’s preferences for smart growth
  • Measuring smart growth’s performance