Why You Should Attend
Advocate for Older Adults or Youth
Our conference provides sessions to help participants understand the links among the environment, transportation, health, equity, access, and community design. We also cover the process itself, to make sure the experience of older residents, along with the vision of younger generations, is included. Don't miss sessions on:
- American’s preferences for smart growth, including youth and older adults
- The economic, environmental and public health benefits of smart growth and good urbanism
- Preparing for the maturing of America
- Promoting equitable health access
- How to implement successful biking, walking, and transit options as part of the overall transportation system
- How to plan for successful transportation systems in rural and low density regions
- Successfully working with neighborhood residents, community groups, advocacy organizations, local jurisdictions and other non-traditional partners
- Engaging youth in brownfield redevelopment projects
- Smart growth funding updates
- Encouraging community-wide partnerships
- Local Elected Official or Local Government Official
- Planning Professional
- Architect
- Transportation Professional
- Environmental Advocate
- Landscape Architect
- Land Conservation Professional
- Environmental Justice Advocate
- Equitable Development Advocate
- Public Health Professional
- Community Developer/Activist
- Real Estate Professional
- Developer/Builder
- Banker/Lender
- Labor Representative
- Advocate for Older Adults or Youth
- Journalist
- Non-Profit Organization