Why You Should Attend
Public Health Professional
We have been successful in making the connections between public health and development patterns. Governments, community organizations and citizens now seem to embrace the important role that public health professionals should play in land use planning. We are pulling together a robust conference that will showcase a variety of tools, case studies and strategies for advancing an agenda for healthier communities. We will hold sessions on:
- The economic, environmental and public health benefits of smart growth and good urbanism
- Using health as a messaging tool for smart growth
- Understanding the public health benefits of encouraging environmental justice and equitable development for our most at-risk citizens
- Institutionalizing partnerships and practices to create healthier communities by finding the links between public health, transportation and land use
- Achieving food justice in your community
- Transforming communities from ground zero to a model healthy city
- The National Prevention Strategy: America’s plan for building safe and healthy communities
- Incorporating health considerations into freight and infrastructure development
- Teaming up for success: successful and power collaborations and coalitions between nonprofit organizations, government agencies, and grassroots organizations
- Creating healthy metropolitan food systems
- Smart growth performance measurement
- The importance of complete streets implementation
- Creative urban gardens and edible parks
- Strategies for saving the small town grocery store
- Addressing the aging population
- Kicking the driving habit and promoting biking and walking in your community
- Advancing an agenda for healthy, equitable and sustainable environments in California
The New Partners conference is not “just another health meeting.” It’s a unique opportunity to share innovative ideas and strategies with educators, urban planners, elected officials, architects and developers about how to create healthy, active and lively communities. These will not happen unless we work together for good solutions. A good solution like smart growth can solve many problems. New Partners is powerful, and life changing.
—Richard Jackson, MD, MPH, Professor/Chair, Environmental Health Sciences, UCLA School of Public Health
- Local Elected Official or Local Government Official
- Planning Professional
- Architect
- Transportation Professional
- Environmental Advocate
- Landscape Architect
- Land Conservation Professional
- Environmental Justice Advocate
- Equitable Development Advocate
- Public Health Professional
- Community Developer/Activist
- Real Estate Professional
- Developer/Builder
- Banker/Lender
- Labor Representative
- Advocate for Older Adults or Youth
- Journalist
- Non-Profit Organization