Conference Session by Track

The New Partners for Smart Growth session are grouped into tracks, designed to help you locate the sessions most applicable to your profession or interest. However, we strongly encourage participants to take a multidisciplinary approach to the conference. The tracks are:

Continuing Education
Sessions approved for Continuing Education Units are identified in the session descriptions on the program below. Sessions are shown with the number of units approved.

Click session titles for more details on that session.


Thursday, February 2
Concurrent Breakouts
Comparing Coastal Responses to Promote Regional Resiliency
What Americans Want
Public-Private Partnership to Finance and Promote Equitable TOD
National Prevention Strategy: America's Plan for Building Safe and Healthy Communities
Overcoming Barriers to Sustainably Redevelop Historic Communities: Focus on Main Street
Smart Growth 101
People, Place & Planning: Engaging Residents & Using Data in Revitalization and Evaluation
Restoring Prosperity in America's Legacy Cities
Partnerships Provide Opportunities for Successful Community and Economic Development in Small Towns and Rural Regions
Complete Streets Implementation Coast to Coast
Smart Growth for Clean Water
Concurrent Breakouts
Groundbreaking New Statewide Energy Retrofit Program: Resources, Models and Lessons Learned
Smart Growth Performance Measurement
Smart Growth, Environmental Justice and Equitable Development: Finding the Connections
Just How Smart is Our Growth? Getting Ready for a Maturing America
Smart and Green: Could Housing Trends Bolster Sustainable Building Patterns?
Rural to Urban, Village-City-County: Advanced Form-Based Coding Coast to Coast
Seeds for Change: Creative Urban Gardens and Edible Parks
Teaming Up for Success: Collaboration Between Nonprofit Organizations and Government Agencies
Tax Foreclosure Reform: A New Approach for Stronger Neighborhoods
Back to Planning School: What You Need to Know for Successful and Collaborative School Siting
Still Starbucks-Free: Rural Main Streets—Small towns need vitality, too!
Is the Sky Falling? An Update on the Transportation Debate in Congress
Introducción al Desarrollo Urbano Inteligente
Concurrent Breakouts
People's Planning for Improvements without Displacement: Transportation, Housing and Environmental Justice
Where's the Money: 2012 Update On Smart Growth Funding
Healthy Metropolitan Food Systems
Charrettes and the Next Generation of Public Involvement and Budgets
Next Generation of Smart Growth: Lessons from Austin, Texas, and Dublin, Ohio
Infill Development Strategies for Small Cities — Lessons from Billings, MT
Participación de Residentes en el Proceso de Planeación
3:45- 5:15pm
Late Afternoon Concurrent Breakouts
Not Your Father's DOT: Progressive Trends in State Transportation Policy
Essential Components of the 21st Century Community: Housing for the "Missing Middle"
From Temporary to Sustainable Paradise: "Smart Growth Catalysts" and The Battle for Planning in the San Diego/Tijuana Region
A New Heart for Houston
Local Land Use Planning and State Trust Land Management in the West
Kicking the (driving) Habit: Low-Density Cities Move to Sustainable Transportation
Friday, February 3
Concurrent Breakouts
Advances in GIS for Smart Growth — Horizontal and Vertical
Building a Powerful Regional Equity Coalition to Deliver on Sustainable Communities
Mixed Use: Perception and Reality
Labor Unions: Emerging Allies for Smart Growth
Transforming San Bernardino from Ground Zero to a Model Healthy City
Rooted In Community: Native American Collaboration on Smart Growth and Green Design
Advancing Equity through Transit Corridor Planning
Smart Water: Aligning Land Use and Infrastructure for Healthier Communities and Cities
Leveraging Smart Growth Brand to Build a Political Base and Vice Versa
Area-Wide Planning: Innovations at the State, Local, and Federal Level
Rural Sustainability: Federal Collaboration, Regional Innovation and the Partnership for Sustainable Communities
Learning to Share — How to Get Your Community Ready for Bicycle Sharing
Concurrent Breakouts
Incorporating Smart Growth into Disaster Recovery Planning
Using Health As a Messaging Tool
Revitalization, Gentrification, and Equitable Development: Evaluating a Decade of EPA's Programs
Strategies for Saving the Small Town Grocery Store
Land Use in a Building Code??? Meet the International Green Construction Code
Smart Valley Places—Taking Advantage of the Great Reset
Health, Justice and Equity in Freight and Infrastructure Development
Smart Growth Takes Smart Preservation
Transforming the Golden Westside: The Role of Youth in Sustainable Brownfields Redevelopment
Achieving Healthy, Equitable, Walkable Schools: Lessons from Federal, State, and Local Guidelines
Little Trips, Big Difference: Predicting Traffic for Mixed-Use Sites
The Walking Audit - A Tool for Organizing Strong Communities and Developing Complete Streets
Concurrent Implementation Workshops
New Tools and Practices for Measuring the Sustainability Impacts of Land Use and Transportation Policies
Facing the Critics: Tools and Trainings to Successfully Counter Smart Growth Opponents
Assuring Community Benefits in Military Base Closing Redevelopment Processes
Housing and Freeways: How Close is Too Close
Sharpening — and Using — Financial Tools in the Smart (Re) Development Toolbox
Jobs, the Workforce, and the Economy: Rethinking The Role of Smart Growth and Sustainability
The Evolving Story of SB 375: California's Landmark Sustainable Communities and Climate Protection Law
Transforming Suburbs into Sustainable Communities: Case Studies
Advancing Opportunities for Rural Economic Development
Building Support for Mobility Options: Effective Outreach Tactics for Engaging Grassroots Groups and Underserved Communities
Emerging Practices and Policies in Transit-Oriented Development
Implementing Green Infrastructure: Creative Approaches to Reducing Regulatory and Financial Barriers in Rural and Urban Communities
Saturday, February 4
Concurrent Implementation Workshops
Climate and Energy Planning: Community Partnerships that Work
The Democratization of Planning: A Demonstration of Emerging Tools for your Next Planning Process
Advancing Equity in Minneapolis/St. Paul: Action Research, Advocacy and Place-Making
Completing Neighborhoods Through Appropriate Infill: Community Revitalization Case Studies
Sustainable Return on Investment (SROI) An Interactive Demonstration
Public Health, Transportation, & Land Use: Institutionalizing Partnerships & Practices to Create Healthier Communities
The Evolution of Smart Growth — the San Diego Story
Landscape Conservation Toolkit for Rural Communities, the Carbon Market and Streamlined Planning
Getting it Done: State Policy Strategies from Advocacy to Implementation
Community Schools - The Case for Joint Use
National City: A Multi-disciplinary Approach to Achieving Sustainable Environmental and Social Equity
Linking Jobs, Housing, and Transit for Economic Development: Local and National Perspectives
Concurrent Breakouts
Planning for Solar Energy in Your Community
Smart Growth, Immigrant Integration and Sustainable Development
Eat, Play, Live: Creative Investments Towards Equitable Health Access
Restoring the American City: Augusta, GA and Laney Walker/Bethlehem
Development-Oriented Transit: Innovative Economic Tools and Models
Planning and Managing the Urban Forest to Build Community Sustainability and Resilience
Coordinating Regional Initiatives With Local Partners to Advance Equity in Metro Boston
Heritage-Based Rural Development
Building Sustainable Rural Communities with Regional Transportation Systems
Smart Growth and Hazards Resilience: Helping Coastal Communities Stay Safe, Sustainable, and Above Water