Confirmed sponsors and co-sponsors as of
December 18, 2007
This exciting event is being brought to you
through the generous support of the many conference sponsors who
are committed to this effort and to the collaborative smart-growth
theme on which it is based. These agencies, organizations, and
companies provide the necessary monetary and in-kind support, and
their active role in the planning process and program development
help shape this dynamic multidisciplinary event. The commitment
and willingness of these diverse groups and their different
constituencies to work together in support of this project show
what can be accomplished through innovation and collaboration.
To understand the levels of sponsorship, view or print this Sponsorships
and Contributions and Benefits Chart (PDF). For information on how to
become a conference sponsor, e-mail Michele Kelso Warren at

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Kaiser Permanente

National Association of REALTORS®

Smart Growth Network


Federal Highway Administration

HDR, Inc.

USDA Forest Service — Urban and Community Forestry Program

American Association of Retired Persons

American Society of Landscape Architects

Environmental Systems Research Institute

Federal Transit Administration

International Council of Shopping Centers

PB PlaceMaking

Sacramento Air Quality Management District

U.S. Department of Defense

Urban Land Institute

American Public Transportation Association

U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service

American Planning Association

American Farmland Trust
ING Clarion

The Trust for Public Land

Thunderhead Alliance
American City Quality Foundation
American College of Sports Medicine
American Farmland Trust
American Heart Association
American Public Health Association
American Public Works Association
American Society of Civil Engineers
Association of Metropolitan Planning Organizations
Association of Pedestrian and Bicycle Professionals
Association of State and Territorial Health Officials
Bicycle Transportation Alliance
Boston Society of Architects
Center for Clean Air Policy
Center for Neighborhood Technology
Center for Urban and Regional Studies, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill
Coalition for Smarter Growth
Community Food Security Coalition
Congress for the New Urbanism
District of Columbia Office of Planning
Eco-Home Network
Endangered Habitats League
Environmental Defense
Environmental Law Institute
Funders’ Network for Smart Growth and Livable Communities
Good Jobs First
International City & County Management Association
International CPTED Association
International Downtown Association
Kentucky League of Cities
Land Trust Alliance
League of American Bicyclists
League of California Cities
Maryland Department of Planning
Mayors' Institute on City Design
Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments
Michigan Municipal League
Michigan Suburbs Alliance
National Alliance of Preservation Commissions
National Association of County and City Health Officials
National Association of Environmental Professionals
National Association of Home Builders
National Association of Local Government Environmental Professionals
National Association of Regional Councils
National Center For Bicycling & Walking
National Center for Smart Growth Research and Education
National Charrette Institute
National Coalition for Promoting Physical Activity
National Crime Prevention Council
National Criminal Justice Association
National Environmental Health Association
National Governors Association Center for Best Practices
National League of Cities
National Multi-Housing Council
National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration
National Recreation and Park Association
National Trust for Historic Preservation
Natural Resources Defense Council
Northeast-Midwest Institute
Partnership for Community Design
Partnership for Prevention
Partnership for Working Families
Prevention Institute
Prevention Institute- Strategic Alliance for Healthy Food and Activity Environments
Project for Public Spaces, Inc.
Public Health Institute
Rails-to-Trails Conservancy
Reconnecting America
Safe Routes to School National Partnership
Smart Growth America
Smart Growth Leadership Institute
Society for Public Health Education
State and Territory Injury Prevention Directors Association
Surface Transportation Policy Partnership
Sustainable Communities Network
Thomas Jefferson Planning District Commission
Transportation and Land Use Collaborative of Southern California
ULI Washington
Virginia Municipal League
Virginia Tech Metropolitan Institute and Urban Affairs & Planning Program