About the Event
The New Partners for Smart Growth Conference has grown significantly
since it began several years ago — increasing in scope, attendance,
and prestige — and is now considered to be the "premier" smart growth
conference held each year. The strength of this conference comes from
the variety of participants and speakers who cross disciplines to
share experiences and insights, and valuable tools and strategies
to encourage smart growth implementation and "get it done."
The 2008 conference continues this exciting trend and includes more new
partners than ever. We expect this to be our largest ever, surpassing
the tremendous success of the recent 2007 New Partners for Smart Growth
Conference in Los Angeles which boasted over 1500 participants, 300
speakers, and 96 sessions over three full days.
Washington, DC is the ideal location for this event. Bringing
together the cultural vibrancy and economic growth with the iconic
history of our nation's capital and its neighborhoods, this region
provides a wealth of innovative policies at the state, local and
federal levels to examine. Whether it’s the overwhelming success of
the transit system, creative housing strategies to promote affordability
or environmental benchmarks to ensure clean air and water, significant
lessons about smart growth can be learned here. Participants will come
to see a region that is setting the pace for livable communities both
inside and outside the Beltway.
Who Will Benefit
The conference will draw a multidisciplinary audience of local
elected officials, city and county staff, landscape architects,
developers and builders, planners, transportation professionals
and traffic engineers, public health professionals, architects,
bankers, crime prevention professionals, realtors, urban designers,
parks and recreation professionals, environmentalists, advocates
for older adults and youth, bicycle and pedestrian advocates,
advocates for social equity and affordable housing, labor
representatives, and all others committed to building safer,
healthier, and more livable communities everywhere.
The Program
The program will include a dynamic mix of plenaries,
interactive breakouts, implementation workshops, specialized
trainings, and optional tours of local model projects. It will
feature the latest on cutting-edge smart growth issues, implementation
tools and strategies, best practices, interactive learning
experiences, new partners, new projects, and new policies.
It will also feature exciting tours of local model projects
in the DC area, and other interesting case studies from throughout
the region.
Most importantly, this dynamic event offers you the opportunity
to network and coordinate with your peers as well as practitioners
from many different disciplines with the same goal — building safe,
healthy, and livable communities for all.
Conference History
The origins of this smart growth conference can be traced to late
1995 when the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency first launched its
smart growth program. As part of this effort, they looked to organize
a national conference that would focus on environmentally sensitive
growth and development.
In December 1997, the EPA, together with the Urban Land Institute,
co-sponsored the first “Partners for Smart Growth” conference. This year
marks the 10-year anniversary of that first groundbreaking event.
Conferences followed in Austin in 1998, then San Diego and finally,
in Atlanta. The LGC participated in the San Diego conference, organizing
a third day focused on smart growth in the Western States.
The LGC began organizing conferences on “livable communities”
somewhat earlier, producing five installments of its highly successful
“Putting Our Communities Back on Their Feet Conference” on the East and
West Coasts in the mid-to-late 1990’s.
In 2001, the LGC partnered with the Centers for Disease Control,
the California Department of Transportation and Penn State University
to produce a “first of its kind” national, multidisciplinary event
titled “Redesigning Community: A Smart Growth Approach to Street and
Neighborhood Design, Crime Prevention, and Public Health and Safety”
in San Diego.
Immediately following that event, the EPA approached the LGC
about merging their collective efforts. Addressing the key
issues on the table in 2001 through 2007, the appropriately
titled "New Partners for Smart Growth" multidisciplinary
conference has been offered successively in San Diego, New
Orleans, Portland, Miami, Denver, and Los Angeles.
The strength of the conference comes from the diversity of participants who
cross disciplinary lines to share experiences and insights, valuable
implementation tools and strategies. The 2008 event continues this exciting
trend and includes even more new partners who recognize smart growth as a
viable solution to the problems they face in their own professions.
With the challenges our nation is currently facing, there are more reasons
than ever to join hands with new partners and work toward our common goal of
creating safe, healthy, walkable, economically vibrant and livable communities for all.