Rally 2007: The National Land Conservation Conference
October 3-6, 2007 in Denver, CO
Bringing together 2,000 land conservation professionals for four days of new ideas and inspiration!
1st Safe Routes to School National Conference
Creating, Building and Sustaining Momentum
November 5-7, 2007, Dearborn, MI
The National Center for Safe Routes to School and the Safe Routes
to School National Partnership are proud to announce a slate full of
diverse and meaningful workshops at this fall's 1st Safe Routes to
School National Conference. Don't miss this inaugural event!
New Urbanism and the Booming Metropolis
April 3-6, 2008, Austin, TX
A Green Conference
The Local Government Commission and conference partners have stepped up
our commitment this year to ensure that the conference is a "greener"event.
We are producing fewer printed materials, and instead posting and distributing
more information electronically. It is for this reason that we are directing
you to the conference web site to obtain a registration form. We are working
with the hotel to ensure on-site recycling is available, and only reusable
utensils, napkins and tablecloths are used. We are also working with some of
our project partners and DC-area food co-ops to try to include locally grown
food in the conference menu. For more details about these and other efforts
underway to make this event greener will be posted shortly!