Confirmed Sponsors and Co-sponsors
as of January 12, 2011
This exciting event is being brought to you through the generous support of the many conference sponsors who are committed to this effort and to the collaborative smart-growth theme on which it is based. These agencies, organizations, and companies provide the necessary monetary and in-kind support, and their active role in the planning process and program development help shape this dynamic multidisciplinary event. The commitment and willingness of these diverse groups and their different constituencies to work together in support of this project show what can be accomplished through innovation and collaboration.
To understand the levels of sponsorship, view the Sponsorship Contributions and Benefits Chart (PDF or HTML). For information on how to become a conference sponsor, e-mail Michele Kelso Warren mkwarren 'AT' lgc 'DOT' org.
If you would like to become a cosponsor, and help us get the word out about this important event to your members and constituency, contact Melissa Harper-Barton at mbarton 'AT' lgc 'DOT' org, or complete and return the Cosponsor Promotional Assistance Form (Microsoft Word or PDF).
Conference Sponsors
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
National Association of REALTORS®
U.S. EPA, Office of Sustainable Communities
Major Funders
U.S. EPA, Office of Environmental Justice
Federal Highway Administration
Federal Transit Administration
Sacramento Metropolitan Air Quality Management District
American Society of Landscape Architects
Local Initiatives Support Corporation
Association of Pedestrian and Bicycle Professionals — Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center
Urban Institute and Belk College of Business at the
University of North Carolina, Charlotte
Friends & Partners
Lincoln Institute of Land Policy
- 21st Century School Fund
- Active Living By Design
- Advocates for Environmental Human Rights
- African American Environmental Association
- Aging in Place Initiative
- Alliance for Biking and Walking
- American City Quality Foundation
- American Farmland Trust
- American Heart Association
- American Institute of Architects
- American Public Health Association
- American Society of Civil Engineers, Transportation and Development Institute
- American Sustainable Business Council
- Asian Pacific Environmental Network
- Association of County Commissioners of Georgia
- Association of Metropolitan Planning Organizations
- Association of State and Territorial Health Officials
- Boston Society of Architects
- Builders of Hope
- CABA Bicycle Alliance
- California State Association of Counties
- Carolinas Association for Community Health Equity
- Cascade Land Conservancy
- Catawba County Eco Complex
- Center for Cities and Schools, UC Berkeley
- Center for Civic Partnerships
- Center for Clean Air Policy
- Center for Community Change
- Center for Creative Land Recycling
- Center for Diversity and the Environment
- Center for Health, Environment and Justice
- Center for Injury Prevention Policy and Practice
- Center for Neighborhood Technology
- Center for Participatory Change
- Center for Planning Excellence
- Center for Social Inclusion
- Center for Sustainability (Central Piedmont Community College)
- Center for Urban and Regional Studies at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill
- Center for Working Families
- Charlotte Chamber of Commerce
- Charlotte Law School
- Cities Counties and Schools Partnership
- City of Charlotte
- City Parks Alliance
- Civic By Design
- Clean Air Carolina
- Coalition for Smarter Growth
- Coastal Conservation League
- Community Food Security Coalition
- Congress for the New Urbanism
- Congress of Residential Architecture
- Conservation Fund
- Conservation Trust of North Carolina
- Context Institute
- Deep South Center for Environmental Justice
- Delaware Valley Smart Growth Alliance
- Delta Institute
- Detroiters Working for Environmental Justice
- District of Columbia Office of Planning
- East Yard Communities for Environmental Justice
- Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians
- Eat Smart Move More
- Endangered Habitats League
- Environmental Justice Coalition
- Environmental Law Institute
- Florida Department of Health
- Funders' Network for Smart Growth and Livable Communities
- Gamaliel Foundation
- Georgia Stand Up
- Global Exchange
- Global Green USA
- Good Jobs First
- Great Valley Center
- ICLEI Local Governments for Sustainability
- Idaho Smart Growth
- Institute for Transportation and Development Policy
- Institute of Classical Architecture & Classic America
- Institute of Transportation Engineers
- International CPTED Association
- International Dark-Sky Association
- Just Partners, Inc.
- Kentucky League of Cities
- Know Your Farms
- Land Trust Alliance
- Latin America Coalition
- League of American Bicyclists
- League of California Cities
- League of Women Voters of Charlotte-Mecklenburg
- Lee Institute
- Making Cities Livable
- Maryland Department of Planning
- Maryland Municipal League
- Mayors' Institute on City Design
- Metropolitan Research Center - University of Utah
- Michigan Municipal League
- Michigan Suburbs Alliance
- Midwest Environmental Advocates, Inc.
- Mixed Income Housing Coalition
- Municipal Association of South Carolina
- National Alliance of Preservation Commissions
- National Association of Counties
- National Association of County and City Health Officials
- National Association of Home Builders
- National Association of Local Government Environmental Professionals
- National Association of Regional Councils
- National Black Environmental Justice Network
- National Center For Bicycling & Walking
- National Center for Healthy Housing
- National Center for Smart Growth Research and Education
- National Charrette Institute
- National Environmental Health Association
- National League of Cities
- National Multi-Housing Council
- National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration
- National Trust for Historic Preservation
- National Urban League
- Natural Resources Defense Council
- New Mexico Association of Counties
- New York City Environmental Justice Alliance
- North Carolina Active Transportation Alliance
- North Carolina Association of County Commissioners
- North Carolina Chapter of the American Planning Association
- North Carolina Conservation Network
- North Carolina Department of Transportation
- North Carolina Housing Coalition
- North Carolina Justice Center
- North Carolina Public Transit Association
- Northeast-Midwest Institute
- Partners for Livable Communities
- Partnership for Community Design
- PlaceMatters
- PolicyLink
- Preservation North Carolina
- Prevention Institute
- Project for Public Spaces
- Public Health Law & Policy
- Quail Valley Environmental Coalition
- Rails-to-Trails Conservancy
- Reconnecting America
- Safe Routes to School National Partnership
- Safe States Alliance (formerly State and Territorial Injury Prevention Directors Association)
- SafetyLit.Org
- Smart Growth America
- Smart Growth Leadership Institute
- Society for Public Health Education
- South Carolina SeaGrant Consortium
- Southeast Watershed Forum
- Southern Coalition for Social Justice
- Southern Environmental Law Center
- Southern Rural Development Center
- Stewards of Affordable Housing for the Future
- Sustainable Community Development Group, Inc.
- Sustainable Pittsburgh
- SustainCharlotte
- Transportation Equity Network
- Transportation for America
- TreeLink
- UNC Charlotte Urban Institute
- UNC Charlotte, Environmental Assistance Program
- Upstate Forever
- Urban Habitat
- US Green Building Council
- USGBC Charlotte Regional Chapter
- Utah League of Cities and Towns
- Virginia Association of Counties
- Virginia Tech Metropolitan Institute and Urban Affairs & Planning Program
- Waccamaw-Siouan Tribe
- WakeUP Wake County
- West Virginia Association of Counties
- West Virginia Municipal League
- YES! A Journal of Positive Futures