
Confirmed Sponsors and Co-sponsors

as of January 12, 2011

This exciting event is being brought to you through the generous support of the many conference sponsors who are committed to this effort and to the collaborative smart-growth theme on which it is based. These agencies, organizations, and companies provide the necessary monetary and in-kind support, and their active role in the planning process and program development help shape this dynamic multidisciplinary event. The commitment and willingness of these diverse groups and their different constituencies to work together in support of this project show what can be accomplished through innovation and collaboration.

To understand the levels of sponsorship, view the Sponsorship Contributions and Benefits Chart (PDF or HTML). For information on how to become a conference sponsor, e-mail Michele Kelso Warren mkwarren 'AT' lgc 'DOT' org.

If you would like to become a cosponsor, and help us get the word out about this important event to your members and constituency, contact Melissa Harper-Barton at mbarton 'AT' lgc 'DOT' org, or complete and return the Cosponsor Promotional Assistance Form (Microsoft Word or PDF).

Conference Sponsors

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

HDR, Inc.

National Association of REALTORS logo
National Association of REALTORS®

Smart Growth America logo
Smart Growth America

Smart Growth Network logo
Smart Growth Network

US Environmental Protection Agency logo
U.S. EPA, Office of Sustainable Communities

W K Kellogg Foundation logo
W.K. Kellogg Foundation

Major Funders

Surdna Foundation logo
Surdna Foundation

US Environmental Protection Agency logo
U.S. EPA, Office of Environmental Justice


Annie E. Casey Foundation logo
Annie E. Casey Foundation

Federal Highway Administration
Federal Highway Administration

Federal Transit Administration
Federal Transit Administration

Kaiser Permanente
Kaiser Permanente

U.S. Forest Service




Sacramento Metropolitan Air Quality Management District


American Society of Landscape Architects
American Society of Landscape Architects

CH2M HILL logo

Urban Land Institute
Urban Land Institute


American Planning Association
American Planning Association

Audubon International
Audubon International



Fehr & Peers Transportation Consultant
Fehr and Peers

Fuss & O'Neill
Fuss & O'Neill

ICF International
ICF International

Local Initiatives Support Corporation
Local Initiatives Support Corporation

National Wildlife Federation
National Wildlife Federation

Association of Bicycle and Pedestrian Professionals  Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center
Association of Pedestrian and Bicycle Professionals — Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center

The California Endowment Logo   
The California Endowment

Stake Your Claim
Urban Institute and Belk College of Business at the
University of North Carolina, Charlotte

Friends & Partners

Lawrence Group
Lawrence Group

Lincoln Institute of Land Policy
Lincoln Institute of Land Policy
