"Because we believe that smart growth is an important
investment in the economic future of all of our communities,
Bank of America is pleased to sponsor this conference and
the important role it plays in bringing our partners together
to network, energize, and explore creative ways to build continued
Candace Skarlatos, Senior Vice President, Bank of America
Confirmed sponsors and co-sponsors as of December 10, 2003

This exciting event is being brought to you through the generous support
of the many conference sponsors who are committed to this effort and
to the collaborative smart-growth theme on which it is based. These
agencies and organizations provide the necessary monetary and in-kind
support, and their active role in the planning process and program
development help shape this dynamic multidisciplinary event. The commitment
and willingness of these diverse groups and their different constituencies
to work together in support of this project show what can be accomplished
through innovation and collaboration.
For information on how to become a conference sponsor, e-mail Michele Kelso at mkelso@lgc.org.
Conference Sponsors
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Federal Highway Administration
Smart Growth Network
Major Funders
American Society of Landscape Architects
The Bank of America
The Fannie Mae Foundation
Federal Transit Administration
National Association of Realtors®
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
Parsons Brinckerhoff
Urban Land Institute
American Association of Retired Persons
American Institute of Architects
International City/County
Management Association
American Planning Association
CH2M Hill
David Evans and Associates, Inc.
The Enterprise Foundation
The Hilton Portland and Executive Tower Hotel
National Charrette Institute
Oregon's Transportation and Growth Management Program
URS Corporation
USDA Forest Service Urban and Community Forestry Assistance Program
Walker • Macy
1000 Friends of Oregon
1000 Friends of Washington
Academy of Board Certified Environmental Professionals
America Walks, The National Coalition of Pedestrian Advocates
American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials
American Farmland Trust
American Institute of Architects, California Council
American Institute of Architects, Houston
American Institute of Architects, Northern Nevada
American Institute of Architects, Portland
American Institute of Architects, Washington Council
American Planning Association, Arizona Chapter
American Planning Association, Oregon
American Public Health Association
American Public Transportation Association
American Public Works Association
Association for Commuter Transportation
Association of Metropolitan Planning Organizations
Association of Oregon Counties
Association of State and Territorial Health Officials
Association of Washington Cities
Audubon Society of Portland
Bay Area Air Quality Management District
California Air Pollution Control Officers Association
California Association of Councils of Governments
California Center for Civic Participation and Youth Development
California Department of Housing and Community Development
California Park and Recreation Society
California State Association of Counties
Center for Injury Prevention Policy and Practice
Center for Neighborhood Technologies
Center for Urban and Regional Studies
Center on Sustainable Growth, The George Washington University
Citizens for Sensible Transportation
City of Portland Bureau of Planning
City Repair
Coalition for a Livable Future
Colorado Chapter of the American Society of Landscape Architecture
Community Development Network
Community Environmental Council
Congress for the New Urbanism
Connecticut Conference of Municipalities
Conservation Fund
Eco-Home Network
Endangered Habitats League
Environmental Defense
Environmental Law Institute
Fulbright Academy of Science and Technology
Funders Network for Smart Growth and Livable Communities
Great Valley Center
Greenbelt Alliance
Hawaii's Thousand Friends
Idaho Association of Counties
Idaho Smart Growth
Indiana Association of Cities and Towns
Institute of Transportation Engineers
International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives
International CPTED Association
International Downtown Association
Joint Center for Sustainable Communities
Leadership for Active Living
League of American Bicyclists
League of California Cities
League of Oregon Cities
League of Women Voters of Oregon
Local Initiatives Support Corporation
Metropolitan Transportation Commission
Multnomah County, Oregon
National Alliance of Preservation Commissions
National Association of Counties
National Association of County and City Health Officials
National Association of Environmental Professionals
National Association of Local Government Environmental Professionals
National Center For Bicycling and Walking
National Charrette Institute
National Congress for Community and Economic Development
National Crime Prevention Council
National Environmental Health Association
National Growth Management Leadership Alliance
National League of Cities
National Neighborhood Coalition
National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration
National Trust for Historic Preservation
Natural Resources Defense Council
New School of Architecture and Design
Northeast-Midwest Institute
Oregon Business Association
Oregon Chapter of the American Society of Landscape Architects
Oregon Coalition for Promoting Physical Activity
Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Development
Oregon Department of Transportation
Oregon Economic and Community Development Department
Oregon Environmental Council
Oregon Housing and Community Services
Portland Development Commission
Portland Impact
Portland Metro
Portland Parks and Recreation
Portland State University--School of Urban Studies and Planning
Prevention Institute
Project for Public Spaces, Inc.
Puget Sound Regional Council
Rails-to-Trails Conservancy
Scenic America
Sierra Club
Sierra Club--Oregon Chapter
Smart Growth America
Smart Growth Leadership Institute
State and Territory Injury Prevention Directors Association
Strategic Alliance for Healthy Food and Activity Environments
Surface Transportation Policy Project
Sustainable Communities Network
Trust for Public Land
Utah Association of Counties
Washington Association of Realtors
Washington Department of Community, Trade, and Economic Development
YES! A Journal of Positive Futures
"We encourage states and local governments to link their
land-use and transportation decisions to make transportation
more efficient, to be respectful of environmental values,
and to further raise the quality of life."
Mary Peters, Administrator, Federal Highway Administration
"The American Society of Landscape Architects is pleased
to continue our support for the 3rd Annual New Partners for
Smart Growth Conference. The coordination and integration
of the many factors that comprise a safe, healthy, and livable
community are a central focus for the profession of landscape
Susan L. B. Jacobson, FASLA, President-Elect, American Society of Landscape Architects