"The New Partners for Smart Growth Conference is the place
where those of us collaborating to build the communities of
the future can take smart growth to the next level. The smart-growth
movement has done a phenomenal job of advancing urban revitalization
in re-energizing urban areas and facilitating in-fill development.
But, the truth is that 50 to as much as 90 percent of new
growth is going to take place in the suburbs. We at ULI and
others in the private sector development community are intent
on joining forces with the public sector and nonprofits to
successfully accommodate this growth. The New Partners for
Smart Growth conference in Portland is where that partnership
can be formed."
Harry Frampton, Chairman, The Urban Land Institute
Invited Speakers

Barbara Alberson, Chief, State and Local Injury
Control Section, California Department of Health Services
Mike Alexander, Atlanta Regional Commission
Bruce Allen, Team Leader, River District, Portland Development Corporation
Eliot Allen, AICP, Criterion Planners/Engineers, Inc.
Kate Allen, Director, Portland Office, The Enterprise Foundation
Daniel S. Anderson, Senior Vice President, Marketing Product Manager II, The Bank of America
Anderson, Director, Development, Community and Environment
Division, U.S. EPA
John Anderson, Principal, Heritage Partners
Richard Anderson, Director, Oregon Partnership Office, Fannie Mae Corp.
Carl Anthony, Program Officer, Ford Foundation
G. B. Arrington, Senior Professional Associate, Parsons
Charles Bartsch, Senior Policy Analyst, Northeast Midwest Institute
Constance Beaumont, Oregon Community Protection Coalition
Mark Bello, Senior Planner, City of Portland
Planning Bureau, OR
Richard Benner, Transportation Growth Management,
Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Development
Scott Bernstein, Center for Neighborhood Technology
Michael Beyard, Senior Resident Fellow for Retail
Development, Urban Land Institute
Thera Black, Senior Planner, Thurston Regional
Planning Council
Congressman Earl Blumenauer, Oregon’s 3rd Congressional
Kate Boyd, Project Director, California Center
for Civic Engagement and Youth Development
Jim Bueermann, Police Chief, City of Redlands,
Dan Burden, Director, Walkable Communities
Peter Calthorpe, Principal, Calthorpe and Associates
Ann Canby, President, Surface Transportation
Policy Project
Joe Carreras, Southern California Association
of Governments
Don Chen, Executive Director, Smart Growth America
Jessica Cogan, Smart Growth Leadership Institute
Brian L. Cole, M.P.H., Project Manager, Partnership for
Prevention, UCLA, Health Impact Assessment Project
Rick Cole, City Manager, City of Asuza, CA
Joe Concannon, Senior Planner/GIS Analyst, Sacramento Area Council of Governments
Judy Corbett, Executive Director, Local Government
Steve Coyle, Principal, LCA Architects
Paul Crawford, FAICP, Principal, Crawford Multari
& Clark Associates
Thomas J. D'Alesandro, IV, CEO, The Woodlands
Operating Company, L.P.
John Dalrymple, Executive Director, Contra
Costa County Central Labor Council
Andrew Dannenberg, MD, MPH, Associate Director for
Science, DEEHS, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Karen Daubert, Executive Director, Seattle Parks Foundation
Edward Davis, Superintendent of Police, Lowell Police Department, MA
Martha Davis, Executive Manager for Policy Development, Inland Empire Utilities Agency
Hank Dittmar, President, Reconnecting America
Hattie Dorsey, President/CEO, Atlanta Neighborhood Development
Francisco Estrada, Senior Policy Analyst, Mexican
American Legal Defense and Education Fund
Reid Ewing, Ph.D., Research Professor, National
Center for Smart Growth, University of Maryland
Mayor Heather Fargo, City of Sacramento, CA
Doug Farr, Founding Principal, Farr Associates Architecture and Urban Design
Radhika Fox, Senior Program Associate, PolicyLink
John Fregonese, Principal, Fregonese Calthorpe
and Associates
Jill Fuglister, Coordinator, Coalition for a Livable Future
Warren Goldstein-Gelb, Program Director,
Alternatives for Community and Environment
Robert Gibbs, Founder, Gibbs Planning Group
Fred Hansen, Executive Director, TriMet
Tasha Harmon, Project Coordinator, Coalition
for a Livable Future
Martin Harris, Director, Joint Center for Sustainable Communities
Ted Harrison, Trust for Public Land
James Heid, President/Founder, UrbanGreen, LLC
Alan Hipolito, Economic Development Director, Hacienda CDC
Alan Hoffman, Principal, The Mission Group
Sheila Holden, Interstate Corridor Urban Renewal
Area Committee, ICURAC
Marla Hollander, MPH, CHES, Director,
Leadership for Active Living
Gloria Jeff, Director,
Michigan Department of Transportation
Christine Johnson, Director of Field Services West,
Federal Highway Administration
Grant Jones, Jones and Jones
Jamal M. Kadri, Co-lead, Office of Water's Smart
Growth Team, U.S. EPA
Leah Kalinosky, Coordinator, Regions and Smart Growth, National Neighborhood Coalition
Wendi Kallins, Safe Routes to Schools Program Director, Marin County Bicycle Coalition
Hal Kassof, Principal, Parsons Brinckerhoff
Mayor Vera Katz, City of Portland, OR
Ken Kay, Principal, Ken Kay Associates
Terri Kelly, Director Community Outreach and Support
Department, National Crime Prevention Council
Alex Kelter, Chief, Epidemiology and Prevention for Injury Control (EPIC) Branch, California Department of Health Services
Mary Kihl, Director, Herberger Center for Design Excellence, Arizona State University
Gayle Killam, Director of River Protection and Restoration,
River Network
Dr. Susan Kinne, Center for Disability Policy
and Research, University of Washington
Mark Knudsen, Planning and Grant Director, Ottawa
County Planning and Grants Department
Andrew Kochera, Senior Policy Adviser, AARP
Chris Kochtitzky, MSP, Deputy Director, Division
of Human Development and Disability, Centers for Disease Control and
Cheryl Kollin, Director of Urban Forestry, American Forests
Rick Krochalis, Region 10 Administrator, Federal Transit Administration
Tom Lattimore, Executive Director, Impact Capital
Governor Michael Leavitt, State of Utah
Bill Lennertz, Founder, National Charrette Institute
Jesse Leon, Program Manager, Funders Network for Smart Growth
Bruce Leonard, StreetSense
Kenneth Leonard, Director, Bureau of Planning,
Wisconsin Department of Transportation
Don Leslie, FASLA, RLA, Associate Vice Provost for
Undergraduate Education, Penn State University
Randall Lewis, Executive Vice President, Lewis Operating Corporation
Leslie Linton, JD, Active Living Research, San
Tom Liptan, Engineer, Portland Department of Environment Quality
John Littel, Assistant to the Executive Secretary, Seattle/King
County Building and Construction Trades Council
Derron Lovaas, Transportation and Land Use Analyst,
Natural Resources Defense Council
Councilmember Jake Mackenzie, City of Rohnert
Park, CA; Local Government Commission Board Member
Carol MacLennan, Environmental Health Policy Coordinator, Tri-County Health Department,
Felicia Marcus, Executive Vice President, Trust
for Public Land
David W. Marks, President, Marketplace Advisors,
Daniel T. McCaffery, President, McCaffery Interests,
Michelle McDonough, Policy Analyst, Fannie Mae Corporation
Edward McMahon, Vice President, The Conservation
Stuart Meck, Senior Research Fellow, American
Planning Association
Bill Mohr, President, Mohr Financial
Joseph Molinaro, Manager, Smart Growth Programs,
National Association of REALTORS®
Hubert Morgan, Manager, Common Ground Regional Visioning Project, NIPC
Marya Morris, Senior Research Associate, American Planning Association
Paul Morris, Senior Professional Associate, Parsons
Brinckerhoff; 2003 President, American Society of Landscape
Lisa Mueller, Coordinator, Knowledge Sharing, LISC
Jim Muldavin, Executive Director, California
Center for Civic Engagement and Youth Development
Dr. Arthur "Chris" Nelson, Senior Fellow, Metropolitan Institute, Virginia
Erik Nelson, Farmer, King County, WA
Lisa Nisenson, Development, Community and Environment
Division, U.S. EPA
Carla Okigwe, King County Housing Development Consortium
Peter Park, Planning Director, City
of Milwaukee, WI
Harold Peaks, Office of Project Development and Environmental Review, Federal Highway Administration
Peter E. Plumeau, National Practice Leader, Metropolitan
Planning Services, Wilbur Smith Associates
Michael Pyatok, FAIA, Principal, Pyatok Associates
Paula Reeves, Highways and Local Programs Division,
Washington Department of Transportation
Dr. Brian Renauer, Assistant Professor, College
of Urban and Public Affairs, Portland State University
David B. Renkert, Managing Member, Landpool Administrators,
Jose Rivera, Executive Director, Hacienda CDC
Geoff Roach, Oregon Field Office Director, Trust for Public Land
Renee Robin, California Director, Children's Environmental
Health Network
Valerie Rogers, Senior Analyst, National Association
of City and County Health Officials
Michael Ronkin, Bicycle and Pedestrian Program Manager,
Oregon Department of Transportation
Karen Roof, MPH, Program Manager, National Association
of City and County Health Officials
Bob Rose, Executive Director, Skagitonians to
Preserve Farmland
Paris M. Rutherford, Vice President, RTKL Associates, Inc.
Christina Schaefer, Senior Associate, EDAW, Inc.
Joseph Schilling, Director of Community and Economic
Development, International City/County Management Association
Richard Schneider, Ph.D., Interim Director of the College of DCP Doctoral Program, University of Florida
Jill Schwartz, Director of Marketing, American
Farmland Trust
Stewart Schwartz, Coalition for Smart Growth
Ethan Selzer, Professor, School of Urban Studies
and Planning, Portland State University
Julia Seward, Director of State and Local Policies,
Local Initiatives Support Corporation
Daniel K. Slone, Partner, McGuire Woods Battle
& Boothe
Mark L. Smith, President, East West Partners--Denver
Jessica Solomon, Program Associate, National Association of City and County Health Officials
Debra Stein, President, GCA Strategies, Inc.
Vice Mayor Connie Stewart, City of Arcata, CA;
Local Government Commission Board Chair
Janet Stone, Livable Communities Director, Greenbelt
Audrey Straight, Senior Policy Adviser, Public
Policy Institute, AARP
Tiffany Sweitzer, Executive Director, Hoyt Street
Terry Tamminen, Secretary, CalEPA
Stephen Teret, JD, MPH, Johns Hopkins School
of Public Health, Center for Law and the Public's Health
Gary Toth, Director, Project Planning and Development, New Jersey Department of Transportation
Steve Tracy, Staff Research Analyst, Local Government
Vera de Vera, Director, Western Regional Office,
Fannie Mae Foundation
Esther Wagner, Program Analyst, National Highway
Traffic Safety Administration
Bruce Watts, Director of TriMet Diversity and Transit
Equity Division, TriMet
Ed Wilson, Fire Chief, City of Portland, OR
Felicia Young, Transportation, Community, and System
Preservation Program Manager, Office of Planning and Realty, Federal
Highway Administration
Leslie Young, Director of Design, The Center
for Universal Design, College of Design, North Carolina State University
Wojtek Chodzko-Zajko, University of Illinois
at Urbana-Champaign
Al Zelinka, Principal Planner, RBF Consulting's
Urban Design Studio
Tina Zenzola, Director, Safe and Healthy Communities
Honorable Christopher Zimmerman, Member, Arlington County Board
Paul Zykofsky, Director, Transportation and Land
Use Programs, Local Government Commission