Planning for the 2006 conference is underway. The conference will be held on January 26-28, 2006 in Denver, Colorado. Please check back as this site is updated frequently.
Audio tapes of the 4th Annual New Partners for Smart Growth conference proceedings are now available.
Please click here for the Audio Tape Order Form and rates.
This Web site contains detailed information about the 4th Annual New Partners for Smart Growth conference, which was held January 27-29, 2005, at the Deauville Beach Resort, located in beautiful Miami Beach, Florida.
"Today, smart growth is widely acknowledged to be good for the environment, for the economy, and for our individual health. At this conference, we will look at how all the stakeholders can work together to make it happen in ways that benefit everyone."
Judy Corbett, Executive Director, Local Government Commission
"This conference continues to gain both attendance and momentum as one of the most informative and comprehensive programs on smart-growth issues, held anywhere in the country."
Don Leslie, Associate Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education, Penn State