"PB PlaceMaking is proud to be a sponsor of the 4th Annual New Partners for
Smart Growth conference. Working in concert with our clients to build safe, healthy,
and livable places, particularly through integrated land use and transportation
infrastructure projects, has been the focus of our company’s practice for over
a century of professional service. We embrace the long-term goals of sustainability
that the conference promotes, and look forward to being an active supporter of
and participant at this important event." Paul
F. Morris, Managing Principal, PB PlaceMaking |
"In communities across the nation, we have already seen that American
homebuyers, investors and developers are crafting a new version of the
American Dream. Their version of the American Dream includes the
timeless elements of ownership, opportunity, security and community that
have been embraced by every of generation of Americans. But their
interpretation of the American Dream doesn't involve a car in the
suburbs. ... They are building and buying homes near transit." Jennifer L. Dorn, Administrator, Federal Transit Administration
Invited Speakers Include

Eliot Allen, Principal, Criterion, Inc.
Daniel Anderson, Senior Vice President, Bank of America
Geoffrey Anderson, Director, Development Community Environment Division,
Mayor Rocky Anderson, City of Salt Lake City, UT
Gayatri Anoo, Planning and Development Department, City of Houston
Bruce Barteldt, Little Diversified Architectual Consulting
Richard Baron, Chairman and CEO, McCormack Baron Salazar
Debbie Bassert, Assistant Staff Vice President, Land Use Policy,
National Association of Home Builders
Dana Beach, Executive Director, South Carolina Coastal Conversation
Bruce Beard, Environmental Readiness, U.S. Department of Defense
Rajiv Bhatia, MD, MPH., Director, Occupational & Environmental
Health, San Francisco Department of Public Health
Greg Bischak, Economist, Appalachian Regional Commission
Sam Black, Senior Counsel, Squire, Sanders & Dempsey L.L.P.
Kathy Blaha, Vice President, Trust for Public Land
Whit Blanton, Chair, Transportation Planning Division, American
Planning Association
Richard D. Blomberg, President of Dunlap and Associates, Inc.
Charles Bohl, Director, Knight Program in Community Building, University
of Miami, School of Architecture
Nat Bottigheimer. Assistant Director, Office of Planning and Capital
Programming, Maryland Department of Transportation
Vivian Brooks, Economic Development Director, Northwood Renaissance,
Robert Burchell, Professor and Co-director, Center for Urban Policy
Research, Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy,
Rutgers University
Dan Burden, Director, Walkable Communities Inc.
Steve Burrington, Deputy Secretary, Office of Commonwealth Development,
State of Massachusetts
Michael Busha, Executive Director, Treasure Coast Regional Planning
Councilmember Thomas Butt, City of Richmond, CA
Dave Canaan, Director, Mecklenburg County Water & Land Resources,
Honorable David Caplan, Minister, Ontario Public Infrastructure
Joel Channing, Developer, Channing Corporation
James Charlier, AICP, President, Charlier Associates, Inc.
Nancy Cofer-Shabica, Physical Scientist, NOAA-Coastal Service Center
Larry Cohen, Executive Director, Prevention Institute
Thaddeus Cohen, Secretary, Florida Department of Community Affairs
Gerry Cohn, Southeast Director, American Farmland Trust
Brian Cole, PhD, Program Manager, Partnership for Prevention, UCLA
School of Public Health
Rick Cole, City Manager, City of San Buenaventura, CA
Judith Cooper, Vice President, Parsons Brinckerhoff
Janet Corcoran, Principal, Corcoran Network
Judy Corbett, Executive Director, Local Government Commission
James Corless, Senior Planner, Metropolitan Transportation Commission
Jaime Correa, Knight Professor in Community Building, University
of Miami, Jaime Correa and Associates
Dennis Creech, Executive Director, Southface Energy Institute
Henry Crespo, Executive Director, 79th Street Neighborhood Corridor
Dr. Linda Bittner Crider, Professor, Department of Urban and Regional
Planning, University of Florida, Program Director for the Florida
SafeWays to Schools Program
David Crossley, President, Gulf Coast Institute
Andrew Dannenberg, MD, MPH, Associate Director for Science, DEEHS,
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Allen Dearry, Ph.D., National Institute of Environmental Health,
Shane E. DeWald, Senior Landscape Architect, Seattle Transportation
Jenna Dorn, Administrator, Federal Transit Administration
Victor Dover, AICP, CNU, Principal, Dover, Kohl & Partners-Town
Andres Duany, Principal, DPZ
Dan Emerine, Project Manager, International City & County Management
Lee R. Epstein, Director, Lands Program, Chesapeake Bay Foundation
Phil Erickson, President, Community Design + Architecture
Douglas Farr, AIA, President, Farr Associates Architecture and Urban
Geoffrey Ferrell, Principal, Ferrell Madden Associates LLC
Adrian Scott Fine, National Trust for Historic Preservation, Philadelphia
Vice Mayor Ben Fiorendino, City of Pembroke Pines, FL
Chris Forinash, Transportation Analyst, U.S. EPA
John W. Frece, Associate Director, National Center for Smart Growth
Research and Education, University of Maryland
Lavinia B. Freeman, Program Manager, The Trust for Public Land
Dr. Howard Frumkin, Professor and Chair, Department of Environmental
and Occupational Health, Rollins School of Public Health of Emory
Robert Frymoyer, Assistant Director, Legislative Finance and Budget
Committee, State of Pennsylvania
Gordon Garry, Director of Research and Analysis, Sacramento Area
Council of Governments
W. Stewart Gibbons, General Manager, Terrabrook
Tom Gleason, Vice President, Public Relations, Forest City Stapleton
Parris Glendenning, President, Smart Growth Leadership Institute
David Godchalk, Professor Emeritus, University of North Carolina,
Department of City and Regional Planning
Michael Goldberg, Vice President, ActionMedia
Jorge Gonzalez, City Manager, City of Miami Beach, FL
Aaron Gornstein, Executive Director, Citizens' Housing and Planning
Gloria L. Graham, Community Assistance Specialist II, Environmental
Health Division, Polk County Health Department
Ellen Greenberg, AICP, Principal, Freedman Tung & Bottomley
Jacky Grimshaw, Vice President, Policy, Transportation & Community
Development, Center for Neighborhood Technology
Charles Hales, Vice President, Transit Planning, HDR
Jane Hardin, Senior Transportation Specialist, Community Transportation
Peter Harnik, Director, Center for City Park Excellence, Trust for
Public Land
Greta Harris, Program Director, Richmond LISC
Remar Harvin, Director, Housing and Community Development, City
of West Palm Beach
George Hawkins, Executive Director, New Jersey Future
Cindy Haygood, Resource Conservation and Development Coordinator,
Carroll County, GA
David Healey, Executive Director, Pinellas County Planning Council
Jim Heid, President, UrbanGreen, LLC
Tim Hernandez, Principal, New Urban Communities
John Humeston, Senior Transportation Planner, Office of Planning,
Federal Highway Administration
Kevin Hunter, Planning Manger, DeKalb County Government
Marlon Hunter, Program Director, Division of Environmental Health,
DeKalb County Board of Health
Larry Hymowitz, Intergovernmental Coordinator, Florida Department
of Transportation
Robert Jacob, Managing Partner, SWA Group
John Jacobs, PhD, Environmental Quality Specialist & Coastal
Community Specialist, Texas Sea Grant and Texas Cooperative Extension,
Texas A&M University
Annetta Jenkins, Director, Southern Florida LISC
Steve Johnson, Acting Administrator, U.S. EPA
Michael R. Jones, President & CEO, Economic Council of Palm
Beach County Inc.
Ianna Kachoris, Manager, Midwest Regional Office, Fannie Mae Foundation
Mayor Frederick M. Kalisz, Jr., City of New Bedford, MA
Ken Kay, President, Ken Kay Associates
Diana Keena, AICP, Associate Planner, Planning and Building Department,
City of Emeryville, CA
Deborah Keller, NW Florida Greenway Project Coordinator, The Nature
Eric Kelley, FAICP, Vice President, Duncan Associates; Professor
of Urban Planning, Ball State University
Richard Killingsworth, Director, Active Living by Design National
Program Office, School of Public Health, UNC at Chapel Hill
Supervisor Steve Kinsey, Marin County, CA; Chair, Metropolitan Transportation
Susan Kirinich, School Transportation and Pedestrian Safety Program
Manager, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
Gerrit Knaap, Executive Director, National Center for Smart Growth
Research and Education
Melissa Knott, Director of Sustainability, Forest City Stapleton
Andrew Kochera, Senior Policy Advisor, Public Policy Institute,
Katherine Kraft, Senior Program Officer, The Robert Wood Johnson
Gene Krebs, State Director, Greater Ohio
Walter Kulash, Principal and Senior Traffic Engineer, Glatting Jackson
Kercher Anglin Lopez Rinehart, Inc.
Jane Kulik, Principal, Wenk Associates
Frances Kuo, Assistant Professor, Department of Natural Resources
and Environmental Sciences, University of Illinois
Matthew Lambert, Policy Analyst, National Governors Association
Robert Lang, Executive Director, Metropolitan Institute, Virginia
Daniel Lauber, Planning/Communications
Rob Layton, Principal, Design Concepts
W. Jude Leblanc, M. Arch, Harvard University, Associate Professor
of Architecture, Georgia Tech
Bill Lennertz, Principal, National Charrette Institute
Don Leslie, FASLA, RLA, Associate Vice Provost for Undergraduate
Education, Penn State University
Susan Bass Levin, Commissioner, New Jersey Department of Community
Matthew Lewis, Senior Planner with Sarasota County Planning and
Development Services Business Center
Julia Liou, Executive Analyst, Asian Health Services, Oakland, CA
David Listokin, Ph.D., Professor II, Co-Director of Center for Urban
Policy Research, Rutgers University
Gianni Longo, ACP-Visioning and Planning
Thomas E. Low, AIA, CNU, LEED, Director of Town Planning, Duany
Plater-Zyberk & Co.
Mayor Jake Mackenzie, City of Rohnert Park, CA; Board Chair, Local
Government Commission
Terry Manning, Brownfields Coordinator, South Florida Regional Planning
Margaret Marshall, AICP, CNU, Senior Project Director, Dover, Kohl
& Partners
Jody McCullough, Community Planner, Office of Planning, Federal
Highway Administration
Alvin McNeal, Senior Vice President, Fraser Forbes Company
Sam Merrill, Research Professor, University of Southern Maine
Josh Meyer, Program Manager, Local Government Commission
Janet Milkman, Executive Director, 10,000 Friends of Pennsylvania
Jessica Cogan Millman, Deputy Director, Smart Growth Leadership
Nadejda Mishkovsky, Project Manager, Smart Growth Program, ICMA
Keith Moore, Community Planner, Federal Highway Administration
Marya Morris, Senior Research Associate, American Planning Association
Paul Morris, Managing Principal, PB PlaceMaking
Jim Murley, Director, Center for Urban & Environmental Solutions,
Florida Atlantic University
Robin L. Murray, AIA, Deputy Director, State of New Jersey, Department
of Community Affairs, Office of Smart Growth
Kim Ogren, Funders Network for Smart Growth and Livable Communities
Milton Ospina, Urban & Regional Planning and Economic Development
Solutions Manager, ESRI
Charles Pattison, Executive Director, 1000 Friends of Florida
Michael Pawlukiewicz, Director, Environment and Policy Education,
Urban Land Institute
Neal Payton, Principal, Torti Gallas
Joyce Perkins, Executive Director, Los Angeles Neighborhood Initiative
Elizabeth Plater-Zyberk, Principal, DPZ; Dean, School of Architecture,
University of Miami
Donald L. Plusquellic, City of Akron; President, U.S. Conference
of Mayors
Shelley Poticha, Executive Director, Center for Transit-Oriented
Development, Reconnecting America
Gordon Price, Adjunct Professor, School of Community and Regional
Planning, University of British Columbia
Pepper Provenzano, Executive Director, TreeLink
Julianne Renk, Indian River County Health Department of Environmental
Milt Rhodes, Project Director, Dover, Kohl & Partners
Breece Robertson, National GIS Director, Trust for Public Land
Gary Rogers, Redevelopment Administrator, Lauderdale Lakes Community
Redevelopment Agency
Valerie Rogers, Senior Analyst, National Association of County &
City Health Officials
Karen Roof, KRoof EnviroHealth Consulting
Candace Rutt, Ph.D., Division of Nutrition and Physical Activity,
National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion,
Harvey Ryland, CEO, Institute for Business and Home Safety
Marlie Sanderson, Director of Transportation Planning, North Central
Florida Regional Planning Commission
Selma Sauls, Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles
Elizabeth Schilling, Executive Director, Growth Management Leadership
Joseph Schilling, Assistant Research Professor, Metropolitan Institute,
Virginia Tech
Jim Schwab, Senior Research Associate, Co-Editor, Zoning Practice,
American Planning Association
Pam Sessions, President, Hedgewood Properties
Julia Seward, Director of State Policy, Local Initiatives Support
Lee Sheehy, Executive Director, Department of Community Planning
and Economic Development, City of Minneapolis
Dr. Morton Sherman, Superintendent of Schools, Cherry Hill, NJ
Ellen Shubart, Manager, Campaign for Sensible Growth
Roy Simon, Associate Branch Chief, Prevention Branch, Office of
Ground Water and Drinking Water, U.S. EPA
Richard J. Simonetta, Valley Metro/Regional Public Transportation
Chris Sinclair, Renaissance Planning Group
Daniel K. Slone, Partner, McGuireWoods LLP
Ken Snyder, Director, PlaceMatters.com
Lee Sobel, Policy Analyst, U.S. EPA
Commissioner Katie Sorenson, Miami Dade County, FL
Robert Stacey, Executive Director, 1000 Friends of Oregon
Rebecca Stahr, President, Universal Design Alliance
John Stainback, Managing Partner, Stainback Public Private Real
Effie S. Stallsmith, Community Planner, Office of Systems Planning,
Federal Transit Administration
Patrick M. Starr, Vice President, Pennsylvania Environmental Council
L. Benjamin Starrett, Executive Director, Funders Network for Smart
Growth and Livable Communities
Roberta Steiner, Executive Director, Housing Opportunities and Maintenance
for the Elderly
Rob Stephany, Director of Development, East Liberty Development
Audrey Straight, Senior Policy Advisor, Public Policy Institute,
David Taylor, National Director, Planning, HDR
Mat Thall, Senior Program Director, LISC/Boston
Edward Tombari, AICP, National Association of Home Builders
Tim Torma, Policy Analyst, Development Community Environment Division,
Ramon Trias, Director, Planning & Development Dept., City of
Ft. Pierce, FL
Jennifer L. Valentine, Active Transportation Project Assistant,
Active Living by Design
Paula Vanlare, Development Community Environment Division, US EPA
Renee Viers, Associate Director, State and Local Policy, National
Trust for Historic Preservation
Charlotte Wade, Director, National Center for Seniors’ Housing
Research, National Association of Home Builders
Kenneth Walker, Program Analyst, NOAA’s Ocean Service
Laura Watchman, Director of Habitat Conservation Programs, Defenders
of Wildlife
Dreux Watermolen, Section Chief, Science Information Services, Wisconsin
Jonathon Weiss, Founding Chair, Smart Schools, Smart Growth Initiative
Tom Weyandt, Atlanta Regional Commission
Richard Williams, Fire Chief, Gainesville, FL
Kendra Wills, Kent-MSU Extension
Debra Wright, Administrative Assistant, Palm Beach County LISC
Sheena Wright, President & CEO, Abyssinian Development Corporation
Leslie Young, Director of Design, Center for Universal Design, North
Carolina State University
Al Zelinka, AICP, CMSM, Principal, RBF Consulting's Urban Design
Tina Zenzola, Director, Safe and Healthy Communities Consulting
Sandy Zimmerman, President, Intergenerational Community Development
Paul Zykofsky, Director, Land Use and Transportation Programs, Local
Government Commission