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    2002 Conference
January 30-February 1, 2003 Sheraton New Orleans
Local Govt Commission

Invited Speakers

(* = confirmed)

Frank Alexander, Professor of Law, Emory Law School*
Dana Beach, Executive Director, South Carolina Coastal Conservation League*
Frank Benest
, City Manager, City of Palo Alto, CA*
Kaid Benfield,
Natural Resources Defense Council
Michael Beyard,
Senior Resident Fellow for Retail Development, Urban Land Institute
Steven Bingler,
President, Concordia, Inc.*
Brian Bochner,
Senior Research Associate, Texas Transportation Institute*
Joe Brooks,
Capacity Building and Civic Engagement, PolicyLink*
Robert Bullard,
MD, Director, Environmental Justice Resource Center, Clark Atlanta University*
Dan Burden,
Founder, Walkable Communities, Inc.*
John A. Calhoun,
President, National Crime Prevention Council*
Jim Capraro,
Executive Director, Greater Southwest Development Corporation
Don Chen,
Executive Director, Smart Growth America*
Judy Corbett,
Executive Director, Local Government Commission*
Collette Creppell,
Executive Director, City Planning Commission of New Orleans*
Michael Cummings,
Washington State Dept. of Transportation*
Andrew L. Dannenberg,
MD, MPH, National Center for Environmental Health, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention*
Margaret Davidson,
Director, NOAA Coastal Services Center*
Michelle Desiderio,
Senior Product Developer, New Product Development & Technology, Fannie Mae Corporation*
Hank Dittmar,
President and CEO, Great American Station Foundation*
Victor Dover,
AICP, Principal, Dover Kohl and Partners*
Colleen Doyle,
Director, Nutrition and Physical Activity, National Cancer Society*
Andres Duany,
Principal, Duany Plater-Zerberk & Company*
Joe Duckworth,
Partner, Arcadia Land Company*
Carlton Dufrechou,
Executive Director, Lake Pontchartrain Basin Foundation*
Jim Emery,
MPH, School of Public Health, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill*
Mark Fenton,
Host of America's Walking, Connecticut Public Television*
Deputy Mayor David Fey,
City of Minneapolis, MN
Professor Howard Frumkin,
M.D., Department of Environmental and Occupational Health, Rollins School of Public Health*
Priscillia Geigis,
Director, Massachusetts Community Preservation Initiative, winner of EPA's National Award for Smart Growth
Achievement for Community Outreach and Education*
Tom Gibson,
Associate Administrator, Office of Policy, Economics and Innovation, U.S. EPA*
Bob Glandon,
Ph.D., Director, Planning and Special Services, Ingham County Health Department, MI*
Tom Gleason,
Vice President, Public Relations for City of Stapleton, Inc.*
Reuben Greenberg,
Police Chief, City of Charleston, SC*
Jacky Grimshaw,
Vice President of Policy, Transportation and Community Development, Center for Neighborhood Technology*
Jim Harvey,
Director of Planning, New Orleans Regional Planning Commission*
Charles McGhee Hassrick,
Associate, Conservation Design Forum*
Alan Hoffman,
Marla Hollander,
Director, Leadership for Active Living, San Diego State University*
Len Hopper, FASLA, Director, Landscape Architecture Division, New York City Housing Authority*
John Horsely,
Executive Director, American Association of State Highway Transportation Officials*
Deborah Howe,
Professor, School of Urban Studies and Planning, Portland State University
Tim Jackson,
President, American Planning Association, Louisiana Chapter*
Rick James,
Police Officer, City of Norfolk, VA*
Nicholas Javaras,
Shelter Bay Retail Group*
Annetta Jenkins,
Senior Program Director, Palm Beach County LISC
Stephanie Jennings,
Program Manager, National Housing and Community Development, Fannie Mae Foundation*
Mark Johnson,
Deputy Associate Under-Secretary, Office or Maritime and Land, Transportation Security Administration*
Mayor William Johnson Jr.,
City of Rochester, NY*
Leah Kalinosky,
Regions and Smart Growth Project Coordinator, National Neighborhood Coalition*
Patricia Rincon-Kallman,
Assistant Director, Planning & Development Dept., City of Houston, TX*
Fred Kent,
President, Project for Public Spaces, Inc.*
Mary Kihl,
Director, Herberger Center, College of Architecture and Environmental Design, Arizona State University*
Rich Killingsworth,
MPH, Director, Active Living by Design Program Office, School of Public Health, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill*
Andrew Kochera,
Senior Policy Advisor, Public Policy Institute, AARP*
Kate Kraft,
Senior Program Officer, The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation*
Mark Kroeker,
Chief, Portland Police Bureau, OR*
Bill Lennertz,
Founder, National Charrette Institute*
Bruce Leonard,
Vice President, Urban Investment Advisors LLC*
Don Leslie,
Associate Dean, The Pennsylvania State University; Past President, ASLA*
Robert Liberty,
Former Executive Director, 1000 Friends of Oregon*
Art Lomenick,
Managing Director, Trammell Crow Company*
Councilmember Rafael Lopez,
City of Watsonville, CA*
Chris Luz,
Vice President, HNTB Corp.*
Kathleen Madden, Vice President, Project for Public Spaces, Inc.*
Alan Mallach, National Housing Institute*
Elissa Margolin, Executive Director, League of American Bicyclists*
Frank Martin,
President, Hidden Springs Community LLC*
Penny McCook,
Senior Planner, Planning and Development Department, City of Fort Worth, TX*
Kathy McCormick,
Senior Planner, Thurston Regional Planning Council*
Mayor Patrick McCrory,
City of Charlotte, NC*
Councilmember Jake McKenzie,
City of Rohnert Park, CA*
Paul Morris
, President, American Society of Landscape Architects*
Jim Muldavin,
Executive Director, California Center for Civic Participation and Youth Development*
Mary Nelson,
CEO, New Bethel Life*
Edith M. Netter,
Esq., Edith M. Netter and Associates*
Jo Patton,
Director of Regional Affordable Housing, Business and Professional People in the Public Interest*
Michael Pawlukiewicz,
Director, Environment & Policy Education, The Urban Land Institute*
Melinda Perrin,
Executive Director, Conservation Research Institute
Mayor Bev Perry,
City of Brea, CA*
Chuck Perry,
Partner, Perry Rose LLC*
Rosalind Peychaud,
Representative, Louisiana State Legislature; Director, Neighborhood Development Foundation*
Councillor Gordon Price, City of Vancouver, BC*
Governor-Elect Mitt Romney, State of Massachusetts
Karen Roof, Program Manager, National Association of County and City Health Officials*
Paul Rosenstein,
National Representative, AFL-CIO
Richard Schieber,
MD, MPH, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention*
Joseph Schilling,
Director of Community and Economic Development, ICMA*
Thomas Schmid,
Ph.D., Senior Evaluation Specialist, Division of Nutrition and Physical Activity, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention*
Mark Schoeberl,
Vice-President, State Advocacy and Health Initiatives, Department of Advocacy, American Heart Association*
Jill Schwartz,
Marketing Director, American Farmland Trust*
Julie Seward,
Director of State Policy, Local Initiatives Support Coalition*
Michael Sims,
Principle Transportation Planner, North Central Texas Council of Governments*
Ron Sims,
Executive, King County, WA
Mary S. Smith
, Walker Parking Consultants*
Robin Snyderman,
Housing Director, Metropolitan Planning Council*
Lee Sobel,
CB Richard Ellis, Inc.*
Ben Starrett,
Executive Director, Funders Network for Smart Growth and Livable Communities*
Debra Stein,
President, GCA Strategies, Inc.*
V. A. Stephens,
Associate Director for Energy and Transportation, Council on Environmental Quality
Pat Stoner,
Program Director, Local Government Commission*
Audrey Straight,
Public Policy Researcher, American Association of Retired Persons*
Peter Swift,
Swift and Associates*
Councilmember Oliver Thomas,
City of New Orleans, LA
Terri Turner,
Citizens Planning and Housing Association*
Maria Vegega,
Chief, Safety Counter Measures Division, Office of Traffic and Injury Control Programs, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration*
Mayor Keith Villere,
City of Covington, LA*
Ken Weldon,
Police Chief, City of El Monte, CA*
Felicia Young,
Community Programs Team Leader, Office of the Human Environment, Federal Highway Administration*
Al Zelinka,
AICP, RBF Consulting's Urban Design Studio*
Paul Zykofsky,
Director, Transportation and Land Use Programs, Local Government Commission*


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