A Greener Conference

The Local Government Commission (LGC) and its conference partners work hard each year to reduce environmental impacts, including the amount of waste generated and energy consumed to produce the New Partners for Smart Growth (NPSG) Conference.


Certificate-of-environmental-leadershipEach year we calculate the estimated greenhouse gas emissions that are generated as a result of the conference and we translate those impacts to carbon dioxide equivalent to produce the conference carbon footprint.

New Partners is proud to be a Green-e certified event: 100% of the estimated greenhouse gas emissions from this event will be offset through the purchase of certified Green-e climate offsets by the LGC.  Early estimates indicate that the carbon generated to produce this event will be 588 metric tons. Offset estimates are based on projected conference energy use, food consumption and participant travel using the Green-e event calculator.  Carbon Offsets are purchased through 3Degrees.


The LGC will work closely with the Hilton Baltimore Hotel, and outside vendors and caterers, to conserve resources used during our event, to ensure on-site recycling is available, and that only reusable utensils, napkins and tablecloths are used during the event. We will also work with the hotel to ensure that wherever possible condiments and food are served in bulk, and that locally grown, seasonal food is incorporated into the conference menu wherever possible. The Hilton Baltimore Hotel has a detailed list of Green Initiative Actions they have implemented throughout their property.

About New Partners

Conference Organizers

"The challenges of the 21st century will require an unprecedented level of collaboration and innovation. Working together across disciplines, we can create communities that are resilient, prosperous and equitable. The New Partners conference will connect you to diverse experts, new strategies and cutting-edge tools that will help create positive change, starting with your community."
— Kate Meis, Executive Director, Local Government Commission
Michele Kelso Warren
916-448-1198 x308
mkwarren ‘AT’ lgc ‘DOT’ org

Nico Gilbert-Igelsrud
916-448-1198 x327
ngigelsrud ‘AT’ lgc ‘DOT’ org

About the Event

Why You Should Attend

A Green Conference