Registration is Closed
On-line registration for the New Partners for Smart Growth conference is now closed. We are no longer accepting registrations via this web site or by fax.
If you would like to attend the conference, you will need to register on-site. All on-site registrations are subject to the $50 late fee. We encourage people to take advantage of early onsite check-in hours on Wednesday evening, from 4:30-7:00 pm.
Members of the Local Government Commission (LGC) will receive a special discount on their regular conference registration fees for this exciting event ($25 off the public/nonprofit and private-sector registration fees). If you are not currently a member, join the LGC when you register for the conference, and receive a 20% discount on annual membership dues!
As an LGC member, you will receive discounted rates on New Partners registration and other LGC conferences, up-to-date information about federal and state funding opportunities through the LGC eAlert service, a 25% discount on LGC publications and resources, and free e-newsletters on cutting-edge land-use issues across the country. California local elected officials will also receive invitations to annual networking activities and events organized by the LGC.
Annual Membership Rates
Elected Official Membership All Local Elected Officials |
Regularly $125 annually. only $100 with this offer! |
Associate Membership Government Staff, Planners, Architects, Community Leaders and all other non-electeds |
Regularly $75 only $60! |
To receive this discount on annual dues, you must pay for your membership when you register for the conference, and then take advantage of the special, discounted conference registration fees for LGC members (offered only on the regular public/nonprofit and private-sector rates). If you are unclear about your current membership status, please contact LGC Membership Services at members ‘AT’ lgc ‘DOT’ org.
If you sign up for LGC membership through the conference registration process, your LGC membership will start in March 2015.