Advancing Racial Equity: Seizing the Moment
Thursday, February 1, 2018 | 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Cost: $49 (Advance registration is required)

With our nation in one of the most heated conversation on issues of race in generations, the question of the role of government in resolving some of our most persistent economic and social challenges have emerged as central to local, state and national policy. How local governments respond to the myriad of pressures they face from federal initiatives, divisive political debates and unprecedented demands by residents will help shape the direction our democracy takes in the years to come. This is truly a decisive moment in our country’s continuing evolution on issues of race, class and culture.
Fortunately, local governments can make a coordinated response. The Government Alliance on Race and Equity (GARE) is a national network of government working to achieve racial equity and advance opportunities for all. Across the country, governmental jurisdictions are making a commitment to achieving racial equity, focusing on the power and influence of their own institutions, and working in partnership with other sectors while building improved relationships with the community. When this occurs, significant leverage and expansion opportunities emerge, setting the stage for the achievement of racial equity in our communities.
Join this three-hour, pre-conference workshop to be introduced to GARE, learn about its theory of change, and see those theories put into practice by a range of jurisdictions from throughout California and across the country. Both government and non-government attendees are welcome to participate in the session, which will align squarely with the Inclusive People and Prosperity Track during the conference.
Register for this workshop by selecting it from the “Tours and Activities” page of your conference registration: Register Today!
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