"The New Partners for Smart Growth Conference is one of the most comprehensive
resources available for learning about Smart Growth principles and practices.
The diversity of both the presentations and the audience guarantees that attendees
will not leave without expanding their viewpoints and understanding of this critical
discipline. As a sponsor of the 4th Annual Conference, HDR welcomes the New Partners
to Florida, home of some of the oldest and most original examples of New Urbanism,
sustainable design and Smart Growth." James
A. Moore, PhD, AIA, Vice President, Community Design Principal, HDR |
"As a viable public service entity, our participation in the New Partners for Smart Growth conference is paramount. Since mass transit plays an integral role in the development of urban areas, we are looking forward to contributing and gathering as much information as possible. This event serves as the catalyst for establishing valuable partnerships, collecting ideas and resources, in an effort to build and strengthen our communities. We are extremely proud to be a part of this worthwhile event."
Roosevelt Bradley, Director, Miami-Dade Transit
Confirmed sponsors and co-sponsors as of December 7, 2004
This exciting event
is being brought to you through the generous support of the many conference sponsors
who are committed to this effort and to the collaborative smart-growth theme on
which it is based. These agencies, organizations, and companies provide the necessary
monetary and in-kind support, and their active role in the planning process and
program development help shape this dynamic multidisciplinary event. The commitment
and willingness of these diverse groups and their different constituencies to
work together in support of this project show what can be accomplished through
innovation and collaboration.
To understand the levels of sponsorship,
view or print this Sponsorships
and Contributions and Benefits Chart. For information on how to become a conference
sponsor, e-mail Michele Kelso at mkwarren@lgc.org.
Conference Sponsors
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Smart Growth Network
U.S. EPA Major
American Society of Landscape Architects
The Bank of America
Fannie Mae Foundation
HDR Inc.
International Council of
Shopping Centers
National Association of REALTORS®
National Highway Traffic Safety
Parsons Brinckerhoff
Urban Land Institute
Department of Defense Benefactors
American Association of Retired
The Enterprise
Foundation Patrons
American Institute of Architects
American Planning Association
City of Miami, Department of Economic Development
Deauville Beach
Resort Hotel
Florida Department of Transportation
Harris Miller Miller & Hanson,
Ontario Growth Secretariat
Thunderhead Alliance
The Trust for Public Land
USDA Forest Service Urban
and Community Forestry Assistance Program
for Urban & Environmental Solutions, Florida Atlantic University
of Environmental Health, Florida Department of Health
Program in Community Building, University of Miami School of Architecture
Treasure Coast Regional
Planning Council
Co-sponsors 1000 Friends of Florida Academy
of Board Certified Environmental Professionals Active Living Leadership Alabama
League of Municipalities America Walks American Association of State Highway
and Transportation Officials American Farmland Trust American Heart Association
American Institute of Architects, Florida American Lung Association American
Lung Association of California American Lung Association of Florida American
Lung Association of Florida, South Area and the Florida Thoracic Society American
Planning Association, Florida American Public Health Association American
Public Transportation Association American Public Works Association Association
for Commuter Transportation Association of Bay Area Governments Association
of County Commissioners of Alabama Association of Metropolitan Planning Organizations
Association of State and Territorial Health Officials Bay Area Air Quality
Management District Boston Society of Architects California Air Pollution
Control Officers Association California Association of Councils of Governments
California Center for Civic Participation and Youth Development California
Center for Land Recycling California Chapter of the American Planning Association
California Public Health Association--North California State Association
of Counties CCS Partnership Center for Civic Partnerships/CA Healthy Cities
and Communities Center for Clean Air Policy Center for Neighborhood Technologies
Center for Urban and Environmental Solutions, Florida Atlantic University
Center for Urban and Regional Studies at the University of North Carolina
at Chapel Hill Children's Environmental Health Network CNU Florida Collins
Center for Public Policy, Inc. Colorado Chapter of the American Society of
Landscape Architects Congress for the New Urbanism Connecticut Conference
of Municipalities Conservation Fund Eco-Home Network Endangered Habitats
League Environmental Defense Environmental Law Institute Florida Association
of Counties Florida Center for Community Design and Research Florida Environmental
Health Association Florida Housing Coalition Florida League of Cities,
Inc. Florida Main Street Florida Public Health Association Florida
Public Interest Research Group Florida Public Officials Design Institute at
Abacoa Florida Redevelopment Association Fulbright Academy of Science
and Technology Funders' Network for Smart Growth and Livable Communities Georgia
Municipal Association Georgia Public Health Association, Inc. Great Valley
Center Greenbelt Alliance Growth Management Leadership Alliance Hawaii's
Thousand Friends Human Services Coalition of Dade County Idaho Association
of Counties Indiana Association of Cities and Towns International City/County
Management Association International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives
International CPTED Association International Downtown Association Kentucky
League of Cities League of American Bicyclists League of California Cities
Local Initiatives Support Corporation Maryland Department of Planning
Metropolitan Transportation Commission National Association of Counties
Center for Sustainable Communities
National Association of County and City Health Officials National Association
of Environmental Professionals National Association of Home Builders National
Association of Local Government Environmental Professionals National Association
of Regional Councils National Center for Bicycling and Walking National
Charrette Institute National Coalition for Promoting Physical Activity National
Congress for Community and Economic Development National Council on Aging
National Crime Prevention Council National Environmental Health Association
National Governors Association Center for Best Practices National Institute
of Environmental Health Sciences National League of Cities National Oceanic
Atmospheric Administration National Trust for Historic Preservation Natural
Resources Defense Council North Carolina League of Municipalities Northeast-Midwest
Institute Partnership for Prevention PolicyLink Prevention Institute
Project for Public Spaces, Inc. Rails-to-Trails Conservancy Scenic
America Sierra Club Sierra Club--Florida Chapter Smart Growth America
Smart Growth Leadership Institute Society for Public Health Education
Sustainable Long Island
Southern California Public Health Association
South Florida Community Development Coalition
South Florida LISC South
Florida Regional Planning Council South Florida Regional Resource Center Southern
California Public Health Association State
and Territory Injury Prevention Directors Association Surface Transportation
Policy Project Sustainable Communities Network
Trust for Public Land University of Miami School of Architecture Urban
Affairs Association Urban Environmental League Virginia Association of
| |