Audio tapes of the conference proceedings are now available.
Please click here
for the Audio Tape Order Form and rates.
This Web site contains detailed information about the 3rd
Annual New Partners for Smart Growth conference, which
will be held January 22-24, 2004, at the Hilton Portland and Executive
Tower Hotel, located in beautiful downtown Portland.
year, we find additional groups joining the Smart Growth movement.
That's because Smart Growth is a solution that solves multiple
problems. The best thing about this conference is that it
nurtures new partnerships with new allies--all working toward
a common land-use goal.
Judy Corbett, Executive Director,
Local Government Commission
"The partnership between Penn State University and the Local Government Commission is
now in its fourth year. Our co-produced conference has gained national attention of
local government officials; architects, landscape architects, and planners; public
health officials; real estate developers; police and fire officials; and other parties
interested in managing community growth issues. This year's conference looks to be the
most comprehensive program we have been able to produce to date. Hope to see you all
in Portland."
Donald W. Leslie, FASLA, RLA, Associate Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education, Penn State University